Know about the minimally invasive treatment of fibroids

Know about the minimally invasive treatment of fibroids


Any lady would become frightened if you told her she has fibroid tumours. There is no need to be concerned because the risk of cancer is low because more than 25% of fibroids are symptomatic.

What signs does it display?

One hundred out of every one thousand women are reported to seek treatment for fibroids. The signs and symptoms can frequently be upsetting and may include:

  • Menorrhagia
  • Infertility
  • Pelvic pressure-related pain
  • Disturbances in the bowels and urine


Hysterectomy was traditionally the major treatment for this ailment, while myomectomy was used for patients who wanted to become pregnant. But there is tremendous morbidity linked to these surgical treatments.

To treat symptomatic fibroids, doctors employ gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues and the Mirena IUS. However, Mirena can only be utilised by individuals who have a Take care of your fibroids. The symptoms, which may include the following, can frequently be upsetting:


  • Menstruation
  • Fertility issues
  • Pelvic pressure-related discomfort
  • Urinary and bowel disturbances


Myomectomy was utilized for patients who desired to become pregnant, but hysterectomy was typically the main treatment for this ailment. However, there is significant morbidity associated with these surgical procedures.

Doctors use the Mirena IUS and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogs to treat symptomatic fibroids. However, Mirena cannot be used by people with large uteri since it will deform the endometrial cavity.

A Significant Advancement in Women’s Health: Laparoscopic Techniques

Recently, the treatment of fibroids with uterine preservation has come into emphasis. Significant improvements in minimally invasive procedures have resulted in the creation of therapeutic options for symptomatic fibroids that spare the uterus. The two newly available alternative therapies:


  • Fibroid Embolization in the Uterus
  • High-intensity focused ultrasound energy with MRI guidance
  • Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE): What is it exactly?

It is a very well-liked and successful method of treating uterine fibroids. Around the world, more than 50,000 treatments have been completed. It is recommended for the majority of symptomatic fibroids and even uterine adenomyosis. Acute or pelvic inflammatory disorders, gynaecological cancer, untreated coagulopathy, and severe iodinated contrast media allergies are among the contraindications.

Who are the UFE’s ideal candidates?

UFE is particularly advised for: • Patients who are unable or unwilling to undergo surgery

Patients with coexisting adenomyosis; Patients with cervical fibroids, which make myomectomy technically difficult; Young patients for whom hysterectomy is the only surgical choice.

Is UFE a successful procedure?

85–90% of women who have had a UFE report complete alleviation from symptoms relating to heavy bleeding, discomfort, or mass. Recurrence of treated fibroids is uncommon, as shown by a study conducted a few years ago in which an embolized fibroid developed again.

Are there any risks associated with the procedure?



  • Use floss at least once every day and brush twice daily. Observe the proper techniques for flossing and brushing as directed by your dentist. Brushing too vigorously and aggressively can damage your teeth. It’s pretty typical for people to not know exactly how to brush and floss. Always ask your dentist to explain and provide examples of the proper care for your teeth.


  •  Go to the dentist every six months. Typically, it is advised to have a professional cleaning every two years. To rule out common and uncommon dental issues that cannot be diagnosed clinically without radiographs, it is advised to have an annual radiographic examination of the teeth


  • Rule out teeth grinding and clenching. These cause substantial dental damage, thus finding techniques to manage and control them earlier in life can help to avoid extensive damage to the teeth, supporting bone, and jaw joint.


  •  Avoid refined grains and foods that stick to teeth. Additionally, stay away from carbonated beverages, which are infamous for hastening and exacerbating dental decay.


  •  Maintain your teeth in the best possible condition by treating them like a vital organ of your body. They support healthy eating, communication, a confident smile, and general well-being. Due to oral malodour, poor oral hygiene can cause social shame. Problems with the teeth can result in excruciating pain, discomfort, and dangerous infections that might the vicinity of the face and neck. The two most prevalent diseases in the body, tooth decay and gum disease, are known to induce inflammation in the oral cavity. This inflammation is known to affect the rest of the body’s health, including but not limited to cardiac, gynaecologic, pulmonary, and joint health.

How to Relieve Dry Mouth Problems

How to Relieve Dry Mouth Problems?

The medical term for a dry mouth is “Xerostomia,” and it is a disorder that makes people who have it very uncomfortable. One of the symptoms of a number of medical diseases is dry mouth, which can occasionally result from a number of different causes. A dry mouth can be brought on by a number of medications, including sedatives, muscle relaxants, and antidepressants.

Causes of dry mouth:

  • It’s also a sign of other illnesses like Sjogren’s syndrome, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, anemia, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and measles.
  • A dry mouth can also be brought on by medical procedures that harm the salivary glands. Cancer radiation and chemotherapy are a couple of these.
  • Dry mouth might develop if the nerves in the head and neck region are damaged due to trauma or surgery.
  • Dry mouth can result from conditions that cause dehydration, such as fever, heavy perspiration, vomiting, diarrhoea, blood loss, and burns.
  • A surgically performed excision of the salivary glands or a congenital abnormality
  • Unhealthy habits include smoking or tobacco use.

Mouth breathing

  • signs of dry mouth
  • An overall sense of mouth stickiness.
  • Dryness of the tongue and throat.
  • Pain when swallowing, tasting, speaking, or chewing
  • The sensation of burning in the mouth.
  • Lips cracking
  • The development of blisters.
  • A burning gum condition
  • More cavities are occurring.
  • Mouth odour

 By using any of these suggestions, you can get temporary relief from the dry mouth:

In order to prevent dry mouth:

  • Chew sugar-free gum or hard candies to encourage salivation.
  • Limit your excessive coffee consumption.
  • Use mouthwashes devoid of alcohol only.
  • Retain a healthy level of hydration.
  • Only use a saliva substitute if an experienced dentist or ENT prescribes it.
  • Try breathing via your nose; if you can’t, get a doctor’s advice.

routines to avoid having a dry mouth.

  • Keep away from meals that are high in sugar or acid, which can lead to tooth decay.
  • Follow your dentist’s advice and use fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash.
  • Schedule at least two annual dental appointments.
  • Be sure to hydrate well.