Women Pregnancy Doctor in Dehradun
Women Pregnancy Doctor in Dehradun
Pregnant women should maintain a healthy diet. during pregnancy, your body needs additional nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and about 300-350 more calories from food each day. You should discuss this with your gynecologist. You and your baby will be healthier if you eat a healthy, nutritional diet. Women Pregnancy One of my friends reacted as if she had ordered a double whiskey when my non-medical friend’s pregnant daughter ordered spring rolls at a restaurant, “You can’t eat Chinese food when you’re pregnant!” In response to my question about why she thinks this, she explained that Chinese food cannot be eaten during pregnancy. Women Pregnancy Doctor in Dehradun Well, she said Chinese women eat Chinese food during their pregnancy! In large amounts, it is Ajinomoto, which can not be consumed and Chinese food is safe. Women Pregnancy Doctor in Dehradun
pregnancy problems and one should be aware of them.
Folic acid is very important from conception on.
another important nutrient during pregnancy is vitamin D.
The diet should also contain iron and calcium, as well as some minerals. Protein and fiber are also important.
The nutrients in legumes include folate (folic acid), fiber, and many others. Folate is a vitamin that helps prevent neural tube defects in the developing baby.
Pregnant women
often suffer from constipation, so fruits are a good source of vitamins and fiber.
Avocados contain high levels of fiber, folate, and potassium. Potassium is helpful for pregnant women to relieve leg cramps. Women Pregnancy Doctor in Dehradun The beta-carotene in sweet potatoes is essential for the growing fetus. Women Pregnancy Eggs provide protein (the white part) as well as many other nutrients in the yellow part. You can eat two eggs per day. Chicken and fish provide more protein, as does paneer for vegetarians. best doctor in Dehradun
If you are pregnant Dry fruits like almonds and walnut are good for you but make sure you limit your intake.
Pregnant women should drink plenty of water to avoid constipation and urinary tract infections, which are far more common during this time. Women Pregnancy
Infections can be spread through raw fish, raw shellfish, raw meat, raw eggs, and undercooked meat.
Caffeine should be limited to one or two cups of coffee per day for pregnant women. Avoid high caffeine intake during pregnancy. Try decaffeinated coffee and limit tea consumption to two to three cups per day. Women Pregnancy Green tea should be avoided during pregnancy. Women Pregnancy The risk of miscarriage or stillbirth increases for pregnant women who drink alcohol. Women Pregnancy Doctor in Dehradun
As part of a good diet, iron and calcium are also given in tablet form in the second and third trimesters.